Saturday, November 12, 2011


       A star is a large ball made of hot gas. The name of the hot gas called stellar nebula.
     The types of stars are white drawrfs (there are old, small, medium temperature, dim stars), main sequence, (are middle age, has all the size, temperature, luminosity, colors, and spectral class stars), super giants (are middle age, large, bright stars), and giants.
     H-R diagram is a graphical tool; uses to stars classified are ages (the star is young or old), size (the star is big or small), temperature (the star is hot or cool like 2,000-30,000), luminosity (the star is bright or dim like 0.0001-1,000,000), color (the stars’ colors are red, orange, yellow, white, blue-white and blue), and spectral class (a letter tells the star temperature like OBAFGKM).
       A star made of a gas called stellar nebula. The will get smaller because of gravity. When it is hot enough, nuclear reactions starting and a star is born. A star change two hydrogen gas molecules into a helium molecule this process called Nuclear Fusion. Nuclear Fusion creates energy.
H = Hydrogen   He = Helium

H + H = He + Energy

There are three type of stars' life. Sun-like stars get smaller is red giants, get more smaller is
planetary nebula, became white dwarf then black dwarf. Huge stars get smaller became red supergiant, than supernova, neutro star is last. Giant is the black hole at last. 

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